Hi all,
I just had a discussion with JV about this, and my initial opinion is
something like this:
On 09/23/2010 09:23 PM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Vincent
Massol<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:14 PM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
> 2) I read
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/UsersModule and when I read it I
miss the feeling that the architecture is sound and all-encompassing. It would be good to
know the extent to which this module will go and what it'll do exactly, to be sure
we're not missing things and that it's not overstepping in some other module's
area. Will it do user registration? Will it allow to add/remove/modify users? What about
There are many open questions, I've kept the proposal minimalistic on
purpose, it's only a starting point.
Now from my PoV this module should not handle user management (CRUD),
it should be a very generic proxy, for example we can imagine
(long-term) an implementation using LDAP that doesn't even create a
profile page within the wiki (thus avoiding sync problems).
Then DocumentReference in the User object is not correct... ;)
Indeed :)
+1, not correct but we need a method to relate a User instance with its
details (the XWikiUsers object in the document, if it's a wiki
implementation, etc).
About groups, I think they should be handled by
the user module since
they are just sets of users.
> 3) Would it be possible to not have the number and offset params and instead return a
ResultSet<User> object that you could query to get the data with a cursor (same as
the JDBC api basically). It makes the API better IMO.
ResultSet sounds very RDBM oriented IMHO,
No it's not. It's about anything that returns more than 1 page of data. It's
very generic. It allows to have a clean api that doesn't add non business parameters.
I'm not -1 about this, I just find it a bit overkill. It'd also make
it a bit more difficult to use from velocity (but may be the script
service could hide the complexity).
I agree here, it just makes it complicated for API (well, temporary API
or however it should be called) users to operate with, I don't think one
should know what a result set is in order to be able to get the next 25
users starting from the 20th user. Not -1, is just feels more friendly
with primitives instead of classes.
>> I'm thinking about the users
>> module as a very minimalistic proxy, a name, a pointer to the user
>> profile (wherever it is, possibly external), possibly a method that
>> allows to authenticate the user in the future.
>>> 4) I don't like the "String match" parameter. It's very
restrictive. What if I want to search on the phone number of a user? Or simply on its
first name only? Also this should probably just call a more generic search module that
does search on objects.
>> Come on Vincent :) do you really search persons by phone number or
>> first name only ? I think mobile phones do a great job at helping to
>> find persons: first name + last name with filtering and a good default
>> ordering (it'd nice to order by last name). I like the approach for
>> its simplicity. I wonder what the others think about this.
Although it makes a lot of sense to filter by various values of fields
(as a general approach), if filtering is allowed by other fields, then
these fields need to be also returned in the User class (to be
completely coherent). If the fields are also stored in the User class,
then basically we just endup copying data from XObjects to User objects.
Although possible, because of cache size and synchronization it doesn't
seem as a very good idea.
I think the path to go is minimalistic User implementation (some sort of
a 'pointer' to a user) which can be connected with the actual
implementation for the user (in this proposal, it's the
DocumentReference) but in general it could be the user id (which in the
case of wiki users it's the serialized document reference of the user
document but it can have any other form for other user implementation).
If this is achieved, then we could do anything with the returned users
(because we can find the full, original data) and this component meets
its purpose (of handling users retrieval (global - local)) with a very
light implementation.
I'm very serious. Any design proposal that focus on a specific aspect without
allowing more complex use cases it completely flawed to me.
I understand that we need to be able to handle custom and complex use
cases but I think the XObjects model is here for that. We need a
module allowing to retrieve XObjects with matching/filtering on any
field, I agree.
I think we know enough what we need to manage our users to define a
specific API, the rightsmanager API was allowing much more complex
things but those capabilities haven't been used (Thomas stop me if I'm
wrong). The current proposal will need additions but I don't think it
is flawed by design, I'd say it is based on known needs.
>> About the generic search on objects it only fits with users stored in the wiki.
>>> 5) "Define at which level users and groups should be handled in the
farm". Not sure what this affects. For example if I want to get all local users,
what API do I use?
>> Why would you ? If it is for maintenance the XWiki.XWikiUsers class
>> page should provide the list but if you're looking for a user profile
>> does it matter that it is stored in the local or the global wiki ?
this would solve the situation when you don't know exactly what are
these users and where do they come from, you just want all the users on
the farm (for rights, or for listing available users).
If you know there is the notion of local users and that you want only
those, you go to XObject level, as JV said.
In my view, this API should not completely replace all users management
everywhere, XWiki.XWikiUsers class should still be used for specific
cases, it's just there to save a few ifs that you'd do everytime you
handle users, it's like a shortcut for frequent cases (even the proposed
"local", "global", "mixed" scopes have the same flavour of
used cases) and make sure there's an easy way to deal all the situations
when listing users are needed in an unified way (JV please correct me if
I'm wrong on this one).
I don't agreel with this approach. It's really bad from an architecture point of
view for a lot of reasons. Let me just point out 2:
1) If the module is named xwiki-users then it's obvious it's about user mgmt in
xwiki and not just handling a specific use case and letting other parts of xwiki handle
other parts of xwiki user mgmt
2) if you expose the XWikiUsers class elsewhere then you're forbidding from
introducing a different implementation and you're exposing internal details of
I'm not questioning that JV wants something for his very specific use case. This is
fine. I'm questioning JV's need with the introduction of what was presented as the
XWiki Users management module. If it's just some "shortcuts" as you say
then stuff it in xwiki-core with the user mgmt api there.
If the xwiki users module is meant to be the XWiki Users Mgmt module then it needs more
thoughts IMO. I'm again fine with a first impl like this one BUT it's definitely
not good from an architecture POV and will be broken completely as soon as we start
thinking globally about the architecture of such a module. If we agree with this I'm
fine. Users should be warned to not use this api or risk being broken.
Last comment: I don't have the feeling this user module proposal was thought out of
the box, by going back to business needs. It seems it was thought out from a very specific
use case POV. Thus it won't be able to address the general needs for sure and will
need to evolve a lot in the future.
PS: I've not answered the other points above because I don't agree with them and
I'm not sure what we are discussing here. It seems we're discussing 2 things
- a temporary api just to satisfy one specific use case
- a general xwiki users architecture
>> errr? We're talking about APIs here.... why would I? Simply because
there's a notion of local and global users so we need an api to return local users,
global users, all users, etc.
> There's a notion of local and global wiki pages, but should it matter
> for user management ?
>> Whenever you talk specific without being able to do something generic you can be
sure your API is flawed and this is my main concern with the proposal: I see it very
focused on a single need and IMO it hasn't been thought to be generic. While I'm
fine with this we need to know it's going to have to be broken very soon and thus
it's not really an API and should be internal instead.
> I think we know enough our needs to be able to define a specific API
> that won't have to be broken.
> Thanks,
> JV.
>> It's ok to be minimalistic but it's not ok not to prepare for all the use
cases because you'll have to break the api later on.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>> On Sep 17, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
>>>>> Up!
>>>>> I could commit the code I have if we agree that it is going in the
>>>>> good direction.
>>>>> I'm thinking about the component implementation proposal in
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> JV.
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean
>>>>> <jean-vincent(a)drean.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Devs,
>>>>>> I'd like to introduce a new configuration property that would
>>>>>> at which level users should be handled in a farm.
>>>>>> See the proposition about the new entry in xwiki.properties, it
>>>>>> be self-explanatory:
>>>>>> #-# [Since 2.5M1]
>>>>>> #-# Define at which level users and groups should be handled in
>>>>>> farm. Available modes:
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# mixed (default):
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local
>>>>>> #-# - users from the current wiki and the main wiki will be
>>>>>> in the rights interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# local:
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local
>>>>>> #-# - only users from the current wiki will be displayed in the
>>>>>> interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# global:
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki only, the
>>>>>> link in local wikis will point to the main wiki
>>>>>> #-# - only users from the main wiki will be displayed in the
>>>>>> interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in the main wiki only
>>>>>> core.virtual.users=mixed
>>>>>> More details are available here:
>>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> JV.