Hi Jun,
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Jun Han<jun.han37(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eduard,
I think I understand what you and Fabio discussed regarding the model
My current implementation looks like the following:
/ \
RestPage XmlrpcPage
where RestPage wraps jaxb.model.Page and XmlrpcPage wraps
This introduces 3 model packages, which is not appropriate.
The suggestion from Fabio and you is to remove the redundancy and
various DataManager implementation will take care the model details.
It's not
the DataManager implementations that need to take care of that.
DataManager is a final class in the org.xwiki.eclipse.storage plugin that
uses remote or local data storages.
Each storage plugin implements RemoteXWikiDataStorage, accepts and outputs
org.xwiki.eclipse.model entities.
it = RestRemoteXWikiDataStorag or XmlRpcRemoteXWikiDataStorage
would manipulate either jaxb.model.Page or
and returns the XWikiEclipsePage instance.
I am on the way of re-factoring the code.
Best regards
Jun Han
On 06/22/2011 07:22 AM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
Hi Jun,
I`m pinging you since I don`t know if you were following the little
discussion on
based on Fabio's suggestions.
Out of all the aspects, I think this is the one you should focus on now
and finish the refactoring so you can proceed with the REST specifics.
On 06/20/2011 08:10 PM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
> Hi Jun,
> I did a code review in your branch.
> I've written a lot of notes in the commits (you should have received
> several mail for that :))
> Please take a look.
> Thanks,
> Fabio
> On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Jun Han<jun.han37(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Vincent,
>> Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
>> IMHO, xmlrpc is included for the purpose of back-ward compatibility.
>> As REST API was first introduced in version 1.8 from xwiki jira,
>> xmlrpc might be useful If the xwiki server only supports xmlrpc (e.g.,
>> v1.4 or v1.5).
>> I agree that technical details should not be exposed to end user.
>> The backend implementation may be determined via analyzing user input
>> server endpoint. For example, if the
serverurl contains "confluence"
>> (
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/xmlrpc/confluence), then xmlrpc is used.
>> it contains "rest" (e.g.,
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest), then rest
>> is used.
>> However, the current implementation will populate the specific server
>> url field according to the backend type (xmlrpc or rest).
>> There may be some better way to do this.
>> Best regards
>> Jun Han
>> On 06/19/2011 03:40 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I haven't followed this thread but just noticing this: why do we want
to expose to users something purely technical (ie the backend
>>> Also why do we want to have to
maintain several backends?
>>> IMO we should only use one and use the REST API only.
>>> If it's only about migration from the current XMLRPC to REST, it
should be a "hidden" config param not exposed to users and that we use
internally only IMO.
>>> The goal should always be to make it
as easy as possible for end
users, i.e. they shouldn't have to think when using
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>> On Jun 19, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Jun Han wrote:
>>>> Hi Fabio,
>>>> I have already finished re-factoring the whole xmlrpc backend.
>>>> A new combo list is added to the "new connection" wizard to
>>>> choices (xmlrpc and rest), as
shown in
>>>> When user selects "xmlrpc", the xmlrpc implementation is used.
>>>> navigation panel can show the xwiki resources, as shown in
>>>> I will continue working on the rest backend following the previous
>>>> discussion.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Jun Han
>>>> On 06/17/2011 09:24 AM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>> could you post a status about your work?
>>>>> Your commits stream
>>>>> (
https://github.com/junhan/xwiki-eclipse/commits/master) is not
>>>>> informative (are you holding
commits locally? If so you should push
>>>>> more frequently!)
>>>>> Midterm is approaching so we need to make things advance a little
bit faster.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Fabio
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Jun Han<jun.han37(a)gmail.com>
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> After I looked into the current implementation of XEclipse and
>>>>>> several attempts, one
plan, whose goal is to provide an abstract
>>>>>> communication layer between XEclipse and server, might be
>>>>>> A rough system diagram showing the relationships of plugins of
>>>>>> Eclipse is available at:
>>>>>> In order to remove dependency of particular back-end
>>>>>> (xmlrpc or rest),
>>>>>> an abstract layer, which includes two plugins (model and storage)
>>>>>> be created.
>>>>>> 1. model plugin contains the current package of
>>>>>> 2. storage plugin
contains xwiki.eclipse.core.storage including two
>>>>>> abstract classes, AbstractLocalDataStorage and
>>>>>> In this way, all the core
implementation and UI components
>>>>>> properties dialog,
adapters) in ui plugin will now depend on the
>>>>>> and storage plugins
rather than the xmlrpc implementation.
>>>>>> Instead of only providing the required jar files, xmlrpc and
>>>>>> plugins will also do the following:
>>>>>> 1. extend the AbstractLocalDataStorage and
AbstractRemoteDataStorage in
>>>>>> storage plugin
>>>>>> 2. extend the model classes in model plugin
>>>>>> In this way, all the abstract classes in model and storage
>>>>>> be initialized in the run
time and perform the specified functions.
>>>>>> If my understanding is correct, I will begin re-factoring work.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>> On 6/11/2011 10:32 AM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>> Instead of returning Object, you should return
>>>>>>> org.xwiki.eclipse.core.model.Page or Object, etc.
>>>>>>> So the storage abstraction needs to include and abstract
model as
well in
>>>>>>> order to be usable.
This means that the implementation also comes
with a
>>>>>>> model implementation
(xmlrpc.model.PageSummary for xmlrpc
>>>>>>> rest.jaxb.model.Page
for rest back-end, etc.... all of them
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Jun
>>>>>>>> Hi Eduard,
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for prompt instruction.
>>>>>>>> I forgot to sync the screenshot to the server. Now it is
correct one.
>>>>>>>> Regarding the
pluggable solution for both xml-rpc and rest, I
will try
>>>>>>>> to devise a
common storage API for both of them.
>>>>>>>> For example,
>>>>>>>> public Object getPage(String pageId)
>>>>>>>> public List<Object> getPages(String
>>>>>>>> They will return
>>>>>>>> 1. xmlrpc.model.PageSummary if connecting via xmlrpc or
>>>>>>>> 2. rest.jaxb.model.Page if connecting via rest.
>>>>>>>> If this is the way to go, I will look more into how to
>>>>>>>> Adapter pattern
may be used.
>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>> On 06/10/2011 12:08 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>> On 06/10/2011 05:26 PM, Jun Han wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi, Eduard and Fabio,
>>>>>>>>>> I finished part of the navigation panel, which
shows the
>>>>>>>>>> wiki,
>>>>>>>>>> Please see the screenshot at
>>>>>>>>> I think you
pasted the wrong screenshot. We`ve already seen this
one and
>>>>>>>>> I think
it's from an early stage of development.
>>>>>>>>>> Adding pages under space is straightforward too,
however, it
>>>>>>>>>> re-factor
a lot of source code, which spreads in the plugin of
>>>>>>>>>> xwiki.eclipse.ui and xwiki.eclipse.core.
>>>>>>>>>> I will continue work on displaying more XWiki
resources after I
re-factoring the properties editor, action provider (context
menu), and
>>>>>>>>>> other
dialog windows related to connection, wiki, space.
>>>>>>>>> It should not take that much of a refactoring on the
UI part,
since the
>>>>>>>>> heavy lifting
is done in the core.
>>>>>>>>> What I actually wanted to tell you is that you should
take the
>>>>>>>>> refactoring in a modular direction and consider your
work as a
>>>>>>>>> contribution and alternative for the existing system
and not
only as a
>>>>>>>>> replacement.
I you can`t do it as a contribution, consider
adding a
>>>>>>>>> mechanism
that allows you to do so (see our first discussions on
>>>>>>>>> integrating the rest back-end). Keep the abstraction
>>>>>>>>> model, etc)
as the main think the ui and even core components
>>>>>>>>> communicate with and keep the implementation of that
>>>>>>>>> pluggable
(xml-rpc, rest, etc). The UI must also be aware of
this and
>>>>>>>>> act
>>>>>>>>> We don`t want to do the same replacement work if, for
>>>>>>>>> we want to
switch to a different back-end in the future. So keep
that in
>>>>>>>>> mind at all
time during GSoC.
>>>>>>>>> Besides that, keep up the good work ;)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>>> On 06/09/2011 07:26 PM, Eduard Moraru wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/09/2011 11:14 AM, Fabio Mancinelli
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not sure that syntaxes should appear
as a child of
connection. I
would show this information in the property panel of the
>>>>>>>>>>> I
think that you should make the "wikis" implicit as well and
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>> the Connection Name as top root, just like in
my previous
>>>>>>>>>>> - wiki1
>>>>>>>>>>> -- spaceA
>>>>>>>>>>> --- pageX
>>>>>>>>>>> - wiki2
>>>>>>>>>>> - etc.
>>>>>>>>>>> As Fabio pointed out, stuff like supported
syntaxes and xwiki
should be displayed in the properties page of a connection.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, you need to take care when the user
enters the user name
password and consider the wiki for which it applies. User
Admin on the
>>>>>>>>>>> main
wiki (xwiki:XWiki.Admin) is not the same as user Admin on
>>>>>>>>>>> I believe that, if you don`t enter the
absolute user name
>>>>>>>>>>> (xwiki:XWiki.Admin) and you enter only the
relative name
(Admin), it
>>>>>>>>>>> will
be resolved to the wiki of the resource you are trying to
>>>>>>>>>>> You
should, at least internally, always use absolute user
>>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Jun
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eduard and Fabio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I managed to create a top-level tree
expansion when user
requests the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry point of REST API:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A screenshot is available at:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now the labels display the
whole<href> attribute,
I plan to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and "wikis" later on.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When user clicks the
"wikis", the navigation tree will
continue to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> expand to show all the sub-wiki
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It took me a while to figure out the
configuration of tree
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provider, tree viewer and label
provider, which is a little
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with what I did in Eclipse SWT
development. As this has been
>>>>>>>> out,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would pick up the pace.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/07/2011 10:37 AM, Eduard Moraru
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/07/2011 02:05 PM, Fabio
Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the REST api also takes into
account Wikis, so you should
take into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account this into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, I think that we need to
display the other resources
(like we
>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now), but maybe we should improve
that too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I`d suggest that we group objects
by class name, something
(wiki/farm/connection name, given by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- xwiki (main/sub wiki
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---- Main
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------ WebHome
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0, 1, 2 above are object numbers,
but, in the future, they
>>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to some other IDs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The advantage of such an ordering
is that, highly used
pages (that
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lots of comments, or lots of
objects of specific classes)
will allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier management of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a list of numbers looks too
blank, you could have them
print the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value of the first property it
their class, just like
XWiki`s object
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editor does and you`d have
something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : Administrator
('author' property
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : Guest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2 : Administrator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don`t know what's the
status of Attachments (I don
remember if we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> display them or not), but we
should have them as an
'implicit' first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------ WebHome
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- Attachments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- dog.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- spreadsheet.xls
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.XWikiComments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : Administrator
('author' property
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : Guest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 2 : Administrator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------- XWiki.MyClass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 0 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- 1 : etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, the main idea is to
expose as much as REST API
allows. Check
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again the API specs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can get creative with the
details on how to
display/handle the
>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff. :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 7:35
AM, Jun Han<
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Fabio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have finished replacing
xmlrpc implementation of login
>>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by sending http GET
request to entry point
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest/) along with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A status code of 200 will
be regarded as successful while
>>>>>>>> means
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> login fails.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The source code have been
updated in org.xwiki.eclipse.ui
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.xwiki.eclipse.core
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will begin working on
xwiki navigatoin panel and
replace xmlrpc
>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accordingly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One question is what
resources are to be included in
>>>>>>>> panel,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> besides xwiki ->
space ->
pages? and how to display
>>>>>>>> them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/05/2011 05:50 PM,
Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jun,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> login/logout can be
implemented in order to store on the
>>>>>>>> side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user credentials that
are sent with HTTP requests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Currently there is no
way in the REST-api to get a
>>>>>>>> token"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (like the cookie sent
after a login is made using the
web form)
>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that subsequent
requests are performed on the behalf of
>>>>>>>> previously
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authenticated user.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So what is usually
done is to send basic-auth
credentials with
>>>>>>>> each request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can start with
this. Next you might try to retrieve
>>>>>>>> cookie by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faking a standard
login and using that cookie in
>>>>>>>> requests.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ideal setting
would be to implement server side some
>>>>>>>> OAuth-like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism, but this
is out of scope wrt your project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Fabio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2011
at 6:27 PM, Jun Han<
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am on the way
of replacing the xmlrpc implementation
RemoteXWikiDataStorage implements
IDataStorage {}.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One question is
about how to implement login and logout
>>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> via REST API.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From
REST API document, users can be
authenticated via
>>>>>>>> something like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. XWiki session
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. HTTP Basic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HTTP basic auth
can be implemented via adding HTTP
header to the
>>>>>>>> HTTP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request, then
XEclipse can display Xwiki Resources by
>>>>>>>> the response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, do we
need to implement login and logout
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jun Han
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