Hello , I an sorry it's also simple problems about wysiwyg. The first one .can I use
component in wysiwyg plugin. (The component is to get and save data in database which is
not the table created by XWIKI, and not mapped by hibernate )I hava used it ,but it
can't run .So , I wander it is the problem in my code or XWIKI doesn't support it
(I thinke there is something wront with the grammer .I don't know how to say it
correctly ,but I think you can understand it). The second one is when I use js to
operate the wysiwyg, I use editor.getRichTextArea().contentWindow.document.body to get the
document ,but all the operate to the html do nothing to the source , and {{html}} tag
which I think will work also take no effect. So ,If I append html child to the document
,The change can't be saved .Is there method to make it or the method to operate the
source .I don't think getSourceText can achieve it .. Thank you!