Best Regards,
Chamika Weerasinghe
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Eduard Moraru <eduard.moraru(a)>wrote;wrote:
As application reusable widgets, we should have a nice tree-style
navigator that can open wiki pages (in a separate configurable page
editor widget), open objects and classes (in a separate and configurable
object/class editor widget), download/upload page attachments (in a
separate and configurable widget/application -- here we could also have
a photo/video uploader using the device's camera, an audio uploader
using the device's microphone, Android gallery picker), etc.
Additionally to application reusable widgets, we might also have some
'system widgets' (addable to the home screen) like watchlist notifier,
messaging (app or widget), activity, etc. but some of these require
extending the REST API as well which, depending on the rate of progress,
might be interesting to do.
We need to be aware of the two, possibly three, layers we want to achieve:
1) development library that should be used by new App developers to easily:
1.1) on the model side, communicate with XWiki trough the REST API and
1.2) on the UI side, reuse existing UI components to perform common
XWiki tasks and possibly provide their implementations for tasks that
they want to override.
2) Demo application that uses the library's features and the provided UI
components to interact with and XWiki instance.
3) Background application/service that intercepts other application
intents and provides Android to XWiki system integration... like the
'share photo' intent, system notifications, search, etc.
Note: '3)' can be considered as part of '2)' or at least it can be
bundled with it. Don`t know exactly how things work in Android, but I
don`t think there's a major problem here.
So, back to the topic, for 1.2) a reusable navigator does make sense. A
quick example would be a wiki page chooser for the 'send to' intent; you
open the navigator, the user chooses a page and the photo gets uploaded
as attachment.
Plus, it's a good reason to write clean code :)
On 06/20/2011 09:46 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 23:32, Chamika
> Hi,
> For now I've implemented almost all the REST GET methods in
> xwiki-android-client. Translations and some of the Objects method will
> implemented as soon as possible.
> I modified jaxb model classes to work with GSON which is a json
> works in Android.
> xwiki-android-rest is downgraded from android SDK version 2.2 to 2.1.1
> achieving more compatibility with the
> Currently I'm having an issue in all the REST requests which has
> because REST replies date/time as a
java.util.GregorianCalendar object
> using sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo as the
timezone. Android doesn't
> have sun.util.calendar library and because of that json objects cannot
> deserialize using GSON.
> Therefore I manually deserialized ZoneInfo content. So now TimeZone data
> be added to any other common library which
can be used with xwiki as
well as
Please suggest me such library.
Android Xwiki navigator
Thomas suggested to make a developer widget which serves as a
xwiki-navigator. (
But these developer widget are only used for designing custom user
interfaces and functionality should be added as same as normal android
application. So there is no significant advantage of building developer
widget. Anyway I'll do it.
No I don't see the point in doing something you
don't understand.
What I suggested you (and again I just give you suggestions, it's not
a meaningless order...) is to build reusable components as much as
possible, how can a custom view allowing to navigate an XWiki instance
could be useless for an XWiki based android application ? Especially
when it's not more work at all and is just about putting this custom
view you have to do anyway in a proper design in a separate library
instead of directly in the application.
Best Regards,
Chamika Weerasinghe
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