Is there a version of the Groovy Console (…
) that is compatible with XWiki 3.5?
When I try to run it, I see missing icons ( referencing old skins,
which I fixed), but now get the following JavaScript errors after
attempting to execute my Groovy code:
Uncaught ReferenceError: CodeMirror is not defined
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea('script', {
And "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getCode' of undefined"
var ajx = new Ajax.Request("$scriptDoc.getURL('save')" , {
$('saveStatus').innerHTML = "Saved !";
var foo = new Effect.Highlight('saveStatus');
$('saveStatus').innerHTML = "";
}, 5000);
I guess I could keep plugging away and trying to fix this, but was
wondering whether there's a newer version of the Groovy Console
compatible w/ XWiki 3.5 and beyond, or is there some simple fix to the
problems outlined above?
Seems like this has been noted as a problem previously:
I attempted installing 'SyntaxHighlighting' (says its "CodeMirror
based syntax highlighting ...") and noticed it now adds new error at
startup in the GroovyConsole:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function
Suggesting problems w/ this extension as well. I do note that my
existing scripts now have pretty syntax highlighting... so it is
working. Unfortunately, it also forces the wiki-code editor to appear
below the wysiwyg and makes the wysiwyg area too small. So I
uninstalled it and my Wysiwyg now works as before....
Any way of getting Groovy Console functionality working? Seems like a
great way to work with cloud-based XWiki installs, such as mine...
-- Niels