PS: I've not answered the other points above because I don't agree with them and
I'm not sure what we are discussing here. It seems we're discussing 2 things
- a temporary api just to satisfy one specific use case
- a general xwiki users architecture
>> errr? We're talking about APIs here.... why would I? Simply because
there's a notion of local and global users so we need an api to return local users,
global users, all users, etc.
> There's a notion of local and global wiki pages, but should it matter
> for user management ?
>> Whenever you talk specific without being able to do something generic you can be
sure your API is flawed and this is my main concern with the proposal: I see it very
focused on a single need and IMO it hasn't been thought to be generic. While I'm
fine with this we need to know it's going to have to be broken very soon and thus
it's not really an API and should be internal instead.
> I think we know enough our needs to be able to define a specific API
> that won't have to be broken.
> Thanks,
> JV.
>> It's ok to be minimalistic but it's not ok not to prepare for all the use
cases because you'll have to break the api later on.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>> On Sep 17, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
>>>>> Up!
>>>>> I could commit the code I have if we agree that it is going in the
>>>>> good direction.
>>>>> I'm thinking about the component implementation proposal in
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> JV.
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean
>>>>> <jean-vincent(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Devs,
>>>>>> I'd like to introduce a new configuration property that would
>>>>>> at which level users should be handled in a farm.
>>>>>> See the proposition about the new entry in, it
>>>>>> be self-explanatory:
>>>>>> #-# [Since 2.5M1]
>>>>>> #-# Define at which level users and groups should be handled in
>>>>>> farm. Available modes:
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# mixed (default):
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local
>>>>>> #-# - users from the current wiki and the main wiki will be
>>>>>> in the rights interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# local:
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local
>>>>>> #-# - only users from the current wiki will be displayed in the
>>>>>> interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
>>>>>> #-#
>>>>>> #-# global:
>>>>>> #-# - user registration available in the main wiki only, the
>>>>>> link in local wikis will point to the main wiki
>>>>>> #-# - only users from the main wiki will be displayed in the
>>>>>> interface and user suggests
>>>>>> #-# - user administration is present in the main wiki only
>>>>>> core.virtual.users=mixed
>>>>>> More details are available here:
>>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> JV.
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