Vincent Massol wrote:
old JCRStore with some modifications is partly working (save/load
document is ok) on recent Jackrabbit, but missing some new stores and
need redesign.
* create xwiki-store/jcr maven module in platform/components (at
sandbox first)
it have to depend on xwiki-core (but not reverse). Is it a problem
for platform/components?
Well new components should try not to use xwiki-core directly as much
as possible. What's your need in xwiki-core?
Well.. I need to load and store XWikiDocument, BaseObjects and so on in
store :)
So How can I not to use xwiki-core?
Maybe, If we introduce some value objects (like in
sandbox/org.xwiki.model), implement Stores and converters in xwiki-core
and DAOs in xwiki-store then xwiki-store will need not xwiki-core and
will use only value objects.
The good thing is in this case we can reuse DAOs for new data model
without much rewriting it (value objects will remain the same).
But all data model manipulations (inside Stores) will stay in xwiki-core
and need be refactored.
And xwiki-store/jcr will be a small set of DAOs and JCR stuff, but more
work on xwiki-core.
I need to thinking about it. Maybe this is a better way. :)
The big disadvantage I see is we can't use value objects in hibernate
store without break the mapping. So migration needed, compatibility
issues, etc.
But the same disadvantage will be with new data model, I think.
> ...
Artem Melentyev