We could also question where we wish to put admin scripts (we currently have them in an
Admin space).
So we could do this:
|_ UI
|_ pages related to UI customzations
|_ Admin
|_ pages related to Administration
On 10 Mar 2016 at 18:39:34, vincent(a)massol.net (vincent(a)massol.net) wrote:
Hi devs,
I’d like that we agree on a rule, which is to put all our
xwiki.org customizations inside
a XWikiOrg space (for the main wiki and all subwikis). I’m not talking about apps but
about pages to customize the UI such as skin, color themes, panels, UIX, etc.
I need to create some UIX for the quick search on subwikis so I’m going to start this
Let me know what you think.