Hi Thibaut,
So, what is freigntening me is that the number of elements and the
altenances field-name/field-content may make it
diffcult to scan the list.
Since users generally start looking for informations in scan mode it can be
a limitation.
I thing there is separation for the profile, so the scan mode is not that
You have:
- subcategories (Personal, Contact Informations)
- left-right + change in background color between the information a user can
edit and the ones he cannot (Rights+Recent Activity)
- also we have space between pairs of field-name/field-content
By removing the "first name" and "last
name" fieds (*since this information
is already at the top*) we can limit this.
The main reason I don't want to remove this fields is the compatibility -
symmetry for the profile in view/edit mode.
View mode:
Edit mode:
In edit mode, the fields are in the same position like in the view. If I
enter a value in Edit mode, I can clearly see the modification in View mode.
Imagine a user entering his First and Last Name. He hits save, but he can't
find this fields anywhere in the profile page. How you will explain him that
he need to look in the page title? Usually in a form, the user expects the
same structure of the form after save.
I would like to check the relevance ot this, is the code available somewhere
? (I'm sorry I'm not a dev so I'm a bit
lost in using svn)
The code is not available on svn. This are just mockups, ideas. They will go
into the SVN when they will be implemented.
Thibaut, you should try to make a quick mockup in an graphical editor or
even on a piece of paper and scan it. Sometimes I don't fully understand an
idea and the best solution is to represent it in a picture.