Hi all,
I would like to go ahead with committing
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-4775 before the 2.2 final release
(because I would like annotations to work as clean as possible on 2.2 final).
In order to do that, we need to agree on a set of separators for the object name
and property name.
There have been the following proposals so far:
A wiki:Space.Page^objectName#property
B wiki:Space.Page^objectName$property
which has received some votes in
http://markmail.org/thread/uihq4mmwgaufbcz6 but
I personally would stay away from # and $ separators since they're reserved
characters in velocity scripting language and it might be uncomfortable for
using refs in scripts.
Also, we had:
C wiki:Space.Page^objectName;property
and also:
D wiki:Space.Page:objectName.property
Which one would you prefer? Any other proposals?
Any separator should be easy to implement, and roughly anything could be used as
a separator (so feel free to propose).
Note that there is an alternative to this, to make annotations implementable on
2.2: only add the two entity types (Object and Object Property) along with
making the string serializer and string resolver extensible so one could add its
own separators for the 2 new types.