2017-05-18 9:56 GMT+02:00 Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>om>:
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Clément Aubin
On 05/18/2017 09:10 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
I'm not sure I understand the goal here.
For me what we need to do is provide a wiki version of
org.xwiki.eventstream.RecordableEventDescriptor and then send events
of that type using the script service but here you seems to be
designing a way to send events trough xobject creating which does not
make sense to me.
This feature is, indeed, using the RecordableEventDescriptor role in
order to work properly (the event type, the application name, the event
description and the event icon are properties needed in a solution
implementing RecordableEventDescriptor).
Then, why does sending events through XObjects does not make sense to
you ?
Because xobjects are stored while events are temporary objects by
definition. You then have a event/activity stream listener which use
the database to cache events to remind users about them but it's
really just caching, not infinite storage like xobjetc are.
I don't think Clément wanted to store the events as XObject. The idea is to
be able create a *rule* that automatically send events when some xobjects
are saved. That's all.
* keeping them as XObject forever is totally useless and does not
scale for very frequent events
* it duplicates what is already stored in the event stream table
* many kind of events are generated by some code and calling something
like $services.notification.sendEvent('mytype', $data) make much more
sense than having to create some xobject when you want to send an
event in your script
If the only use case you have in mind is events related to the
creation of some kind type of documents (like a blog post) then you
should at the very least separate the event descriptor xobject (which
would be defined in the document of the blog post xclass for example)
and the xobject used as helper to generate an event (since in this use
case it's not so easy to have a script called when the document is
created) which would be in the saved blog post document.
Still it's quite crappy (you still store something to generate a
temporary object) and it would be much cleaner (and a lot easier for
the application) to have something more dynamic. For example a generic
listener on Java side which listen to XObjectAddedEvent and if the
xclass document of this xobject contains an event descriptor,
automatically send a corresponding event. No useless stiff stored and
no need for the application to remember to add a special object every
time it create a new entry.
That's the idea. I think you get confused by the fact Clément proposed a
field called "eventId', which has nothing to do here.
Clément Aubin
Web Developer Intern @XWiki SAS
More about us at
Thomas Mortagne
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the
XWiki.org project