Hi Paul!
Paul Libbrecht wrote:
In HQL in Lucene?
or... in java as Jérôme answered.
It was Velocity code where I needed to solve this issue. I guess this
page point in the right direction for HQL:
As for Lucene I've found this:
What I've been trying to get is a modified version of the Last Visited
panel that shows more "user friendly" messages as links. I've still to
add some if() to check availability of translations for some kind of
entries. It reads now like this:
#set($rv_maxItems = $!xwiki.getUserPreference("recent_actions_items"))
#if($rv_maxItems == "")
#set($rv_maxItems = 5)
#set($recentlyViewed = $xwiki.getRecentActions("view", $rv_maxItems))
#set($header = $msg.get("panels.recentlyVisited.title"))
#foreach($docname in $recentlyViewed)
#set($rdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($docname).getTranslatedDocument())
#set($user =
#set($cropat = $user.indexOf("#"))
#set($user = $user.substring(0,$cropat))
<a href="$rdoc.getURL("view")">$user</a><br/>
#set($species =
<a href="$rdoc.getURL("view")">$species</a><br/>
I don't know if using Lucene or HQL options could add some advantage to
the used method: I've only used the current LastVisited panel code (as
per XE 1.3.x) as base for modifications. This solution is only intended
to last until we get this wiki migrated to an updated >2.4 XE/XEM
Any idea will be welcome!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems