The XWikiClassTemplate velocity script is in a XWiki/1.0 syntax doc:
## replace Main with the Space where you want your documents to be created
## replace the default parent with the one of your choice
## Save this template using the 'Save' button
#set( $class = $,$"Class")))
#set($defaultparent = "kmbase.${class}Class")
#set($defaultweb = "kmbase")
but now when you create a class, it is XWiki/2.0 and should be:
{{html wiki=true}}
## replace Main with the Space where you want your documents to be created
## replace the default parent with the one of your choice
## Save this template using the 'Save' button
#set( $class = $,$"Class")))
#set($defaultparent = "kmbase.${class}Class")
#set($defaultweb = "kmbase")
What's the best solution to your mind in order to have something working in
all the cases?