Hi devs,
I'm currently working on a new package format to package a bunch of
extensions into a single file.
The first use case is to make offline install easier. We can't count on all
in one XAR anymore (plus all in one XAR prduces very crappy extensions) so
I was thinking about providing a generic package containing all the
extensions you need in it. It will simply be a zip containing extensions in
the same format than Extension Manager local repository so that you can
unzip it it there (or later use some UI to "import" it).
So now I need a name for this new package. Since extension descriptor file
extension is "xed" (for "XWiki Extension Descriptor") I was thinking
naming it XEP (for "XWiki Extension Package"). Any better idea ?
For now my plan is to provide the following:
* a new Maven handler for <packaging>xep</packaging>
* a new Maven mojo "xep" in the existing extension Maven plugin
* start using it with the new platform flavor which is supposed to replace
XE so that people can have something to use for offline installs
Thomas Mortagne