Do you foresee a special syntax for groovy scripts as you already have for
velocity using {{velocity}} with some more features?
My idea is to be able to code cleanly using groovy and to put some "generic"
part of scripts in separated documents and to be able to import them in
other docs containing other parts of scripts.
It would be really nice to be able to type some part of scripts or to define
some groovy classes in a page and tell "this is groovy code which is not
"WIKI-renderable" as is".
Then we could simply import/include this script in another page (just paste
the code without any rendering) using something like
xwiki.parseGroovyXXX is useful sometimes but not when you only want to
include some part of scripts.
Existing #includeXXX macros always render the content and here I only want
to paste a script from somewhere else (xwiki.getDocument("").getContent() in
Moreover the idea would be also to allow using both "xwiki.parseGroovy" and
the #include macro for the same groovy "document". For the time being, one
need to use the trick
/* groovygroovy #* */
/* *# */
and then you are condemned to use xwiki.parseGroovyXXX because no other
function can interprete this tricky syntax.
best regards