Hi devs,
FYI as part of
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8848 I've added some new APIs
* Creates a {@link WikiReference} from a string representing the wiki name.
* @param wikiName the wiki name (eg "xwiki")
* @return the reference to the wiki
* @since 5.0M1
public WikiReference createWikiReference(String wikiName)
return new WikiReference(wikiName);
* Creates a {@link SpaceReference} from a string representing the space name.
* @param spaceName the space name (eg "Main")
* @param parent the wiki reference in which the space is located
* @return the reference to the space
* @since 5.0M1
public SpaceReference createSpaceReference(String spaceName, WikiReference parent)
return new SpaceReference(spaceName, parent);
* Creates any {@link EntityReference} from a string.
* @param name the entity reference name (eg "page")
* @param type the entity type (eg "wiki", "space",
"document", etc)
* @return the created reference
* @since 5.0M1
public EntityReference createEntityReference(String name, EntityType type)
return new EntityReference(name, type);
* Creates any {@link EntityReference} from a string.
* @param name the entity reference name (eg "page")
* @param type the entity type (eg "wiki", "space",
"document", etc)
* @param parent the entity parent
* @return the created reference
* @since 5.0M1
public EntityReference createEntityReference(String name, EntityType type,
EntityReference parent)
return new EntityReference(name, type, parent);
The last 2 are generic and allow for more complex use cases.
Let me know if you have better ideas.