BTW, I tried to move to latest xwiki-commons
module (3.3-milestone-1),
I hit some issues, so I did not incorporate
theses changes in what I
The first one is that the AbstractLogEnabled
class is no more in the
To get logs now you just need to get the SLF4J logger injected, see…
My component is not yet using logging, I suspect that there is an old
component somewhere in my dependencies that is using the AbstractLogEnabled
class, and when the ComponentManager find it, it cannot load that class ...
and when launching the tests, a component was
probably still
using it. I found that class in an older commons module
but it was not very clean :'(
The other one (and I gave up on this one) was that the RenderingTest was
complaining about not being able to find a Parser component …
Can't think of an issue for this one, I'd need to try it out to see the
full error.
I'll create a branch for that stuff so that you can take a look at it.
> Thanks!
> -Vincent
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