On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:28 PM, Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
XWiki has evolved a lot in the past year and new client apps were
Our current Xml-Rpc API is aligned to the Confluence 1.0 API
specification and hasn't been really enriched in a long time.
Since we have some distinct features like 'polyglot wiki' I propose to
create a new "xwiki2" method set to handle XWiki 2.0 method calls.
The new handler will be added to the Apache Xml-Rpc servlet
properties file.
Proposed new xml-rpc methods(mostly needed for XEclipse, XOffice and
- parseFromHtml(String html, String syntax) : String
- render(String source, String syntaxId) : String
- cleanHtml(String dirtyHtml) : String
- add class (
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3499 )
- getConfiguredSyntaxes
- getVirtualWikisNames
- getMacros, etc.
Proposed Xml-Rpc model extensions:
- Page
- syntaxId;
- ServerInfo/Wiki:
- isMultiWiki
- defaultSyntax
- encoding
Sorry for the late reply but I was on leave.
+1 in general.
We should also add methods for
1) Getting collections (i.e., pages/spaces/objects/attachments/etc)
using start and offset parameters. This is needed for pagination and
incremental retrieval of huge amount of data (e.g., a wiki with
thousands of spaces and pages)
2) Maybe we can use the new "xwiki2" endpoint in order to provide a
cleaner and more xwiki-oriented API. I was thinking, in particular, to
the semantic mismatches between Confluence (which uses integer IDs for
pages) and XWiki (which uses semantic rich IDs like Space.Name) and
the "rename" compatibility that makes impossible, right now, to simply
change the title of an XWiki page without actually renaming the page.
2bis) If we want to keep it as it is (i.e., confluence semantics) we
need a method for changing the title of a page without renaming it.