On 12/17/2009 10:30 PM, Pascal Voitot wrote:
If you look in semantic web definitions, the
difference between an entity
and a resource is really hard to tell:)
Entity seems to be the most generic word to describe something that exists
or has existed.
On wikipedia, i found this definition:
A *resource* is any physical or virtual entity of limited availability, or
anything used to help one earn a living.[*citation
*] In most cases, commercial or even ethic factors require resource
allocation<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_allocation> through resource
I also tend to associate Resource with something that can be measured
and priced, like water or wood.
But I don't really like entity because nowadays,
this is really associated
to a "persisted" entity and no more to a thing of any type...
How come? Why do you associate the "persisted" feature? And isn't it
good, since the model will be persisted in the storage?
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Caleb James DeLisle<
calebdelisle(a)lavabit.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Big +1 for getUUID() and storing UUID as byte[] and returning
> java.util.UUID
> Storage as byte[] will improve db load times.
> Whatever you like for a name is fine for me but I would caution against
> over
> generic words such as "Model", "Context", "Factory",
and "Manager" because
> when I first began reading the source, I often found these terms unhelpful.
> Perhaps ObjectReference instead of ModelReference? This would make sense
> if and when Document, Space, Attachment, and Wiki extend Object.
> Caleb
> Vincent Massol wrote:
>> On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:
>>> On Dec 17, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>>> Proposal
>>>> =======
>>>> I'd like to propose ModelReference for the base object and then
>>>> DocumentReference, SpaceReference, WikiReference,
>>>> AttachmentReference.
>>>> Note: This is different from Identity which is unique (a UUID).
>>>> References do not point to unique objects.
>>> I am not sure of having understood the note. In particular what you
>>> mean when you say "references do not point to unique objects"
>> The way I view it is that an object (or Entity or Resource) will have
>> 2 methods:
>> - getReference() (corresponds to Node.getPath() in JCR I believe)
>> - getUUID()
>> In other words, it's possible to have several References pointing to
>> the same object (or Entity or Resource). This is very useful for
>> implementing renames for example.
>> In addition, FTM I'm not sure if a Reference should include the version
>> I need for think a bit more about this since I'm not 100% sure. If you
>> have ideas let me know.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>>> Reference makes sense to me since it means what it means... :)
>>>> For example the API: Document getDocument(DocumentReference) is
>>>> pretty
>>>> clear IMO.
>>> I would say ResourceReference for the base object
>>> and DocumentReference, SpaceReference, WikiReference,
>>> AttachmentReference for the specific resource type references.
Sergiu Dumitriu