I'm summarizing some idea I've had about some tools to help the release process:
Idea 1: Create a semi-automated Release Plan page on
* Read the POM from
(using aether)
* Find all transitive dependencies (using aether)
* For each dep:
** Read its POM
** Read the version from the pom, remove the SNAPSHOT part
** Read the JIRA URL from the pom
** Find the list of issues in jira with a fixfor equal to the read version
** If there are not closed issue display a warning message
** Display the list of issues found
** Read the SVN info from the POM to find the svn tag URL (using svnkit for example)
** With the version build a full URL
** Get the svn revision number of the last commit for that URL
** Do a svn log on trunk/ to find all commits since the last release
** Display them
This should give a Release Plan Dashboard allowing the releaser to see at a glance what
should be released, saving him the work to:
- find all deps
- find which modules have been modified and needs to be released
Idea 2: Create a Release application on
* A very simple application with a home listing all past releases that have been done
already + a create new release button
* When you press that create button it creates a new release page, copying a template page
which has the release steps
* Use the todo macro/application to list all the steps to be performed in the release,
allowing the release to tick them visually as he progresses through the release (it's
important to be able to tick a task in view mode - if we don't have this feature in an
existing todo/task macro then develop it).
WDYT? Would that help the release process? Any other ideas.?