Hi devs,
This roadmap we had 2 suggestions:
- "Find a way of avoiding to have 2 "Add" entries ("+" and
"Add new
entry")" in AWM
- "Drop down on "+" Menu + Admin UI to select some templates"
What we have implemented so far was:
"Propose and pre-select "recommended" templates in the create UI based on
the current location"
So now, if you go to the Blog app and create on the "+" button, since Blog
provides a template with a create restriction, the "Blog" template will be
Also, AWM has the option to create a template for each application the
users create. So after you created your app with AWM and go to the "+"
button, the app template will be preselected.
This will allow us in the future to remove the AWM actions area and rely on
the "+" button.
In the future, we could also separate templates in their own "Recommended"
category. A separate category will be necessary for applications that
provide multiple related templates (like Forum for example that will
contain the Forum, Topic templates) or in the more general case when
multiple templates are recommended for the current location. Currently we
are doing only sorting and preselecting the first one.
In terms of implementation we just need to make sure all our recommended
apps provide template providers and after that we could change the UI for
AWM and remove the "Add" action from the actions area.
Now, I want to ask your opinion on the suggestion to add a dropdown for the
"+" button.
Some input:
- a dropdown will not be scalable: you cannot have more than a few options
- in a dropdown you cannot specify the page name;
- in the dropdown you cannot change or specify another location - you
always need to go to the page first and after choose a template from the
dropdown list;
- you will only see an admin selection of templates - so we invalidate the
templates filtering and you cannot even choose another template after your
initial selection;
- we make the current create step deprecated, since users will not see it
The main reason of this request was to increase visibility and order for
the templates.
In the user recording sessions I've seen and with the current layout (2
columns, templates on right) users don't have problems seeing the
"Templates" section in the Create step.
Now, for the ordering / selection - the current mechanism of automatic
ordering is a step in that direction - but sure we could implement more
(like the separate category I described earlier).
Another difference between what was asked and what was currently
implemented is that now the selection comes from the Template Provider;
while the idea was to allow the Administrator to select the displayed
Templates. With the current implementation we can still create an
administration UI to select them and save the changes in the Template
Providers, in a future iteration.
So the question is:
- Do you have other ideas on how we could solve the requests?
- What do you think about having a dropdown with the templates selection -
compared to a recommended category in the creation step?