On Feb 11, 2008, at 8:58 PM, Erin Schnabel wrote:
On Feb 10, 2008 1:03 PM, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
You're touching here at XWiki core structure and it's not never a
thing to change that unless you completely understand what it means.
In the same way you can delete lots of jar files in the WEB-INF/lib
dir but if you do you'll find one day that when you use such and such
plugin it doesn't work.
This is my issue with the albatross skin in general. It assumes a
three panel layout that doesn't fit our corporate guidelines. (i.e.
per our guidelines, the content always renders first: so you end up
with the content, then the right side, then the left side). If you
just brought all of the *.vm files from albatross into the templates
directory, I would still be broken.. I have to go and update view,
edit, inline -- any of the template documents that render the basic
layout of the page.
We have a 2 steps strategy:
Step 1: Do the minimal cleaning, i.e. move the Albatross templates in
the templates/ dir as is, with the limitation it has.
Step 2: Implement the new skin/interface extension proposal which is
currently being drafted before being proposed to the list:
We would be very interested to get your feedback on the Interface
Extension proposal.
I have a patch (which I should submit, because I
don't think I did),
that allows you to specify what the default "template" directory
should be-- it's a simple patch, but allowed me to make sure that
under no circumstances would xwiki go looking for things in the
default template directory.
So I'll take a look @ what's coming, and we'll try to be better at
submitting patches, etc. as we upgrade. There was only one of me last
time around, and not enough clock..