Hi devs,
I think it's time to separate the Pre Nested Spaces and Nested Spaces
versions of the Forum Applications. I would like to create a branch 1.9.7
to move the Pre Nested Spaces version which would be used only for bug
Reasons to use Nested Spaces on Forum Application:
* to have Access Rights inheritance for forums and topics
* to have a proper hierarchy Forums/MyForum/MyTopic instead of
* to be able to configure other needed applications at Topic space level
(e.g.: Ratings - store topics' votes objects in dedicated pages in the same
This means that the new version of the application will need XWiki 7.2+ (or
even 7.4.2 if the Mail Sender Plugin will be replaced with the stable
version of the Mail Sender API).
Considering that Nested Spaces bring some value to the application's users,
I'm voting +1.