Hi all,
I would like the point of view of every ones for the patch provided in
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-2006 by Ruslan Shevchenko
It allows to force the name of the database in the xwiki.cfg file.
Except for some very minor Checkstyle still remaining, the only
"problem" for me is than if this feature is enabled the number of
hibernates query in non-virtual mode grows to one more by hibernate
transaction used to ensure the selected database is the provided one.
Note that this is not worst than actual virtual mode which do almost
exactly the same thing for the same reason.
For that reason and also because it touch one of the deepest part of
XWiki platform I want to validate a vote to apply it in the trunk.
It also add database names prefix support which is great.
Here my +1.
Thomas Mortagne