Hi Luduvic,
Thank you very much for your email.
Yes, I checked these options.
- I set the temporary java memory to 1 Go and increase the number of
to 1000000 in xml.cfg. Unfortunately, this configuration do not solve
- With the MySql administrator : a simple request for displaying around
10000 entries is done in few seconds and when deleting them it takes
- Deleting one document in XWiki containing 10000 documents is done
in 10
minutes, Strange...!
- The importation of a XWiki database with 13369 entries takes a few
seconds from my second XWiki using an external database administrator.
- I created the indexes that Vincent suggested me to do. I remarked an
increasing of speed but not really significant.
ps. I deal with data using UTF-8 encoding : Jetty CharSet = UTF-8,
with collation "utf8_general_ci", XWiki CharSet = UTF-8, etc.
I run such kind of tasks on WinXP (1 Ghz, 500 Mo RAM, 20 Go HD) and
with last version of Debian (2,5 Ghz, 2 Go RAM and 100 Go HD).
This is what I got in the Shell during the work of XWiki:
WARN P1-16
RegexTokenFilter:filter:99 - <span class="error">Error</span>:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
18:15:26.764 INFO [P1-14]
55> Velocity [error] Left side
($!hidecolumns) of '==' operation
has null
value. If a reference, it may not be in the context. Operation not
[line 9, column 21]
18:15:26.766 INFO [P1-14]
39> Velocity [error] RHS of #set statement is
null. Context will
not be
modified. [line 11, column 1]
Any suggestion will be deeply appreciated?
ok, so the problem is what ludovic
says. increase the memory of your
java.Look inside the catalina.sh to change the memory size, and
increase it to at least 256M. it's a parameter (looks like this i
think : "-X64m") to java.
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