On 12/10/2010 03:38 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
On Dec 10, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
On 12/08/2010 07:46 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
Hi devs,
There is obviously some overlapping between the purposes of the box
macro (
and the container macro
namely that the box macro is just a very specific type of container.
How do you feel about moving all or some of the
box macros
functionalities to the container macro and either implement the box
macro as a particular type of container, or deprecate it completely?
+1 for making box macro a particular type of container.
Why not remove it? What would we gain in keeping it?
Box macro could extend the container macro with title and icon. Message
macros would still use it.
> The way I see it is that the container macro would have parameters to
> allow to:
> * fix its size
> * render a border around
> * use a background color
> * title (to be discussed, I am not 100% convinced that it's generic enough)
> * image (to be discussed, same)
> * layout it inside text (float it to the left or right)
> * other decorations we could find useful for the users (note that devs
> could still write css if they want more).
> I know that all these functions can be accomplished by CSS, but so is
> the columned layout, for example, and the idea is to provide to the
> users an easy way to do it (in this case, WYSIWYG).
> I'm +1, regardless of the solution (deprecate or not), but I am very
> convinced of the overlapping, they should not be 2 different
> implementations.
> Thanks,
> Anca
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