Hi GSOC students,
This is a reminder that there’s a deadline approaching soon:
"August 21-29: Students submit their work product (code) and a final evaluation of
their Mentor”
On my side, I’m mentoring 2 projects:
* The Glossary Application project. Unfortunately this one failed the first review since
not enough work was done. However Sarthak mentioned to me that he wanted to continue but
he probably lost faith since I haven’t seen any work done. Sarthak, could you confirm that
you dropped the topic altogether?
* The RedPen integration. There’s been several commits done and several status emails sent
but it seems it’s lagging behind quite substantially since we’ve yet to see any working
prototype. Desheng, it’s really important that you release ASAP a first working version on
extensions.xwiki.org (that’s a condition of success) that we can try and install in our
own XWiki instances.