Hi devs,
The new XWiki Rendering top level project depends on Platform and Platform depends on it,
we thus have a circular dependency issue when releasing.
We had a discussion with Thomas and Caleb on IRC this morning and we're proposing the
* Create a XWiki Commons top level project
* Goal: generic modules independent of xwiki, ie they could be reused on any other project
not related to wikis at all
* When: before XWiki Platform 3.0M3 release. Need 2-3 days I think.
* Who: I can do the work (would be great to get some help though)
* Wiki:
* svn:
* Versioning strategy: start at 3.0-SNAPSHOT, release 3.0 final before platform 3.0 final,
give it its own version life thereafter (3.1, 3.2, etc)
* Groupid: org.xwiki.commons
* Artifact id: xwiki-commons-* (instead of xwiki-core-*)
* The following modules will be moved now:
- xwiki-xml (the script service will stay in platform)
- xwiki-component-api
- xwiki-component-default
- xwiki-component-observation
- xwiki-configuration-api
- xwiki-container-api (need to remove dep on xwiki-url for now)
- xwiki-context
- xwiki-observation-*
- xwiki-properties
- xwiki-cache-*
- xwiki-velocity (script service needs to stay in platform, dependency on
container-servlet needs to be removed or stay in platform/
- xwiki-management
* The following will be moved at a later time:
- xwiki-component-multi (keep the wiki/user/space impls in platform but move the rest)
- xwiki-configuration-default (default impl for properties only should be moved)
- xwiki-classloader (when we separate the part that is related to xwiki)
- xwiki-action (not ready to be moved)
- xwiki-url-* (after we introduce xwiki-resources, right now depends on xwiki-model)
* Please correct me if I've forgotten some modules or forgotten dependencies I
haven't seen. The idea is that we should move at the very minimum right now all
dependencies used by XWiki Rendering.
Here's my +1