On Oct 6, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
Vincent Massol wrote:
In order to fix issue
I've had to dive very deep and fix Sun's URLClassLoader which has a
large number of problems. To do so I had to rewrite several classes
and I've taken sources from Emory Utilities
) and modified them slightly (since they were missing the ability to
support custom URL Stream handlers).
So I have a new URIClassLoader that extends URLClassLoader + a set of
associated classes (stream handlers and url connection
I'd like to commit this in a new xwiki-classloader module, dedicated
to classloading code (same as we have xwiki-xml for ex).
Let me know if you need more details.
Emory Utilities code is in the public domain (no copyright). I don't
know if we can relicense it under LGPL, so what does that mean for
our code?
It looks ok for me:
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