Hi Caleb,
If I understand correctly, I would be able to add a new action by
implementing an "Action" component with this approach (hope I'm correct).
- How will I be able to bind my action to a particular URL pattern? (like
download, view, edit actions we have right now)
- Is there a way to resolve conflicts when resolving actions? (when two
action components have bindings to the same URL pattern).
I'm not sure if these questions are premature. But let's find out :P
- Asiri
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Caleb James DeLisle <
calebdelisle(a)lavabit.com> wrote:
This has been discussed on IRC but I wanted to send
out an email before
creating a design proposal and JIRA issue.
Actions need to be ported out of the old core into their own components.
It is important that the new Action model be in place so that newly added
actions do not have to be ported as well.
Current Situation:
There is an Action interface, an ActionManager, and an XWikiServlet which
work but design is not finished.
Use cases:
1. When a browser supports gzip compression, the response should be passed
through a discrete gzip Action component. However if the requested material
is already compressed (images), it should not be gzip'd.
2. If the user is not logged in and the action they are requesting does not
alter the database (Registration) the request should be passed to a cache
If the cache contains the desired page then it is returned, otherwise it is
on to the requested action and when returned it is added to the cache.
3. If desired, a filter Action may catch requests depending on user agent,
address etc. And reroute the request. Banned!
I'd love to hear more use cases, I'll post this to the design proposal page
after I go for a walk.
Caleb James DeLisle
devs mailing list