Right now a script which is saved with programming access is allowed to do things which
the viewer (who executes it) is not allowed to do. I would like to extend this to scripts
which do not
have programming access.
Use case example:
A page where the viewer can submit an email address to be put on a mailing list. The page
needs to be able to
save the email address to a list but the viewer should not be able to directly edit (or
view) the list.
I would like to add to xwiki.api.Context:
void setScriptUser(String)
String getScriptUser()
(These names are the best I could think of, suggestions would be great)
the input can be either "viewer", "author" or "default" and
it stores this in the XWikiContext
If the value is set to author, hasAccessLevel will return an access check on the author,
not the viewer.
When includeForm is called, or the include macro is invoked, the only explicit change is
that changes made by
the called document will be reset when the include ends.
If scrips are set to run with author's permissions:
If DocumentA includes documentB, documentB executes with documentB's author's
If DocumentA includes _in context_ documentB, documentB executes with documentA's
author's permissions.
When include of documentB ends, scriptUser is set back to the value which documentA left
it at.
I think this will help us achieve the goal of no documents with programming rights in the
XE xar file.