Hi Ludovic,
On Sep 5, 2007, at 1:44 AM, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
I'd like to propose to vote to add this new feature in 1.1RC2
I know we should not add features, but this one would allow to run
groovy script requiring libs not included in the xwiki release.
For example this could allow to package the Google Docs Summer of
Code project as a pure extension without configuration and even restart.
It's implementatin is very safe, as nothing changes unless you add a
param or a value in the context.
I told you on chat that I was ok with this. However I'm having second
doubts... Sorry :)
I'd like to know more why we need to do this now. Why not commit it on
trunk? It'll be in 1.2M1 in 2/3 weeks. Radu's plugin will not be
integrated/cleaned up/etc before that time anyway and even then it
would still work with 1.1 users, it's only a matter of installation.
I don't think we should rush this. It's not so much a question of
taking risks or not that doing a precedent. If we do this now, then
we're breaking our RC rule and it'll happen again in the future (I
think we could potentially remove betas and RCs in the future when we
have 70% or more covered by automated tests but we're not there yet.
So, unless there's a good reason I haven't seen, I'd rather not commit
this right now on the 1.1 branch.
The actual modification to xwiki core code is 2 lines just to allow to
add a class loader (without specifying a class loader the behavior is
the same).
Then there are a class loader (new class) and a new API to run the
groovy script under that class loader. They do not impact existing API.
The same code written in script is much harder (code written currently
in xwiki code needs to be duplicated in groovy).
Having this simple additional API in the code will allow 1.1
installations (which are going to be our stable version for a while), to
be more extensible by scripting, thus allowing us to demonstrate new
features (like GDocs integration for example).
If we postpone that non risky change to 1.2 then we will have this
feature in many many installations (our farm, our clients, in chrono, in
nearbee) no earlier then beginning 2008.. since client would need to
upgrade to 1.2..