can you compare this to the usage of the MathTran webservice (for
which contributed a very short macro found in xwiki jira) ?
Could you provide a web-page about the MathTeX plugin. MathTeX seems
to be a name that is used for several different things, among others
a cgi script.
Finally, could you provide syntax examples and coverage, if it is a
home-grown TeX processor.
thanks in advance
Le 03-juin-09 à 11:23, Guillaume Legris a écrit :
Hi dev folks,
I developed a math plugin ("MathTex") to render LaTeX math
expressions in XWiki.
Currently the plugin supports two formula renderer:
- The default one (contained in xwiki-plugin-mathtex-core.jar) is
LGPL and thus can be embedded in the XWiki packages
- The other one is GPL (powered by JMathTex) and gives better
results. It can used by adding the xwiki-plugin-mathtex-ext.jar to the
classpath and adding a parameter to the xwiki.cfg to override the
default renderer
In order to work this plugin requires modifications of some parts of
the XWiki default classes/files:
- xwiki.cfg
- macros.txt/macros.vm
- struts-config.xml
- (privileges for actions)
So an admin couldn't just grab it from the plugin zone and make it
work out-of-the-box.
Hence I would like to propose this plugin for integration in XWiki
with two alternatives:
1) Full integration
2) Partial integration (macros, struts-config.xml, changes) + users still have to load the
plugin jar(s) from the plugin zone.
--Guillaume Legris
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