I mean if you consider the OpenOffice server
controlling in wiki, you can
start/stop/restart it any time you want. But it's also true that this is
going to happen frequently, most of the time
users will have autoStart
to true, in which case OOo server will be running
from XE startup until
someone stops it / XE is shutdown.
An important scenario would be,
* I start XE normally (without OOo server) and since OOo server is not
running, wysiwyg editor will be configured not to display the
fileUpload tab. And then an admin starts OOo
server, how long will it
for this information to propagate to wysiwyg?
One refresh to the page. And since the admin's idea is probably to setup
entire wiki and then let users go around edit and everything in it, I'd say
most probably, when the wysiwyg editing would be used, everything is going
to be
"stable" about this server.
Also, this would prevent server calls overhead: most of the times the
isServerRunning() function would return the same thing, which you would
query in
realtime everytime you load the dialog or smth.