I’d like to request a github repo in xwiki-contrib for a Demo flavor extension.
The idea is that:
- since we want to demonstrate the power of xwiki on
- and since the xwiki github org will focus on providing generic runtime only (made only
with core extensions), it would be interesting for users testing xwiki to have a demo
flavor that users can pick from on the DW screen (in addition to the default flavor). In
the future we expect the community to create a lot more flavors but that’s for later,
won’t happen overnight.
So I’m proposing to create a demo flavor that includes a maximum number of high-quality
extensions that we have in xwiki-contrib:
To start with:
- Blog
- File Manager
- Meeting Manager
- Forum
- Task Manager
- Idea
- Diagram
In addition, in term of layout I’m proposing:
* Navigation panel on the left
* App bar on the right
* A demo text on the home page and beneath the activity stream (one under another so that
clicking edit makes it easy to update the page)