On Nov 12, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Here's a status of the past few days I have spent looking at fixing
our pages so that we pass the WCAG 1.0 tests (the automated part of
* I've fixed the home page so no more issues in it
And when I thought we were done with the home page, I've found a new
tool that reports 79 important problems....
Basically there are 3 categories of problems remaining:
1) using noscript as alternative to <script> - level 1 pb
2) bad resizing behavior (like fixed character size or fixed space
between lines instead of relative values) - level 2 pb
3) colors too close to each other for people affected by cataract,
protanopia, deuteranopia or tritanopia. For ex it says: "There is
insufficient contrast between the text color (#4d4d4d) and the
background color (#005a83)." (to see the color:
For 3) I think we could provide special color themes. We'd need for a
user to be able to define the theme to use though (instead of it being
only a global option).
The tool that I've used to find these is:
Help is welcome... I especially need help for 2) in order to modify
our colibri CSS so that text resizes work in the browser.
* I've tested the other pages using
and here's the results:
- priority 1: only 2 issues
- priority 2: about 162 * 7 = 1134 issues
- priority 3: about 120 issues
That's quite a lot but they are easy to fix. Most of them are about:
- tables missing summary attributes
- associate labels with <input> (using a <for>)
In order to reproduce it's very easy. Use this link to run TAW:
Then run XE locally and feed it to TAW.
I need help to fix all these remaining issues.
Who can help me?
Note that the Dutch guidelines add a bit more to WCAG 1.0 but not
much and passing WCAG is already a good first step.