Hello Udai, nice to see you`re interested in XEclipse!
Setting up a build environment for XEclipse is very easy. Here's what you
should do:
1. Read the README locate at
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/xeclipse/trunk/README regarding
building/installing XEclipse as an Eclipse plugin with maven.
2. Get a copy of the latest "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers (xxx MB)"
package from
3. Create an Eclipse Workspace
4. Import the following projects from the checked-out XEclipse code on
your local machine:
* org.xwiki.eclipse.core from plugins/org.xwiki.eclipse.core/plugin.xml
* org.xwiki.eclipse.ui from plugins/org.xwiki.eclipse.ui/plugin.xml
* org.xwiki.eclipse.xmlrpc from plugins/org.xwiki.eclipse.xmlrpc/plugin.xml
* org.xwiki.eclipse.feature from
5. To test-run your local version of XEclipse plugin, right click on the
"org.xwiki.eclipse.core" project in your workspace and go to Run As >
Eclipse plugin. A new instance of Eclipse will pop up with XEclipse
6. To Debug your local version, right click on the
"org.xwiki.eclipse.core" project in your workspace and go to Debug As >
Eclipse plugin.
7. Happy hacking!
P.S.: If right clicking on "org.xwiki.eclipse.core" does not show a Run As
Eclipse plugin, try right clicking on
"org.xwiki.eclipse.ui" or make
sure you have the Eclipse Plug-in
Development tools installed (if you did
not get a fresh copy of eclipse like in step 2).
I am a senior undergraduate student from India. I am interested in
"Integration of various source editors in XEclipse"
I was trying to set the build environment for XEclipse. should I go by
README which say
or I should check latest release
Udai Gupta
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