Ludovic asked me to write this up on the wiki, but the page says that
I should post it on the mailing list first (hopefully to get some
initial feedback).
There are a few difficulties that we run into when developing in xwiki:
- Collision issues when having multiple editors dealing with a single
page (it seems that most people tend to copy the code from the
browser, edit it locally, then paste it back when dealing with larger
code changes -- sometimes forgetting to copy again in case someone
else changes something, sometimes xwiki forgets that the page is being
edited by someone else).
- Branching/deployment issues when moving from our development server
to a staging server and finally to a production server (all files?
how can one tell what files changed between them? etc.).
- Branching/deployment issues when working with "fixes" to a current
issue to be deployed to a "current version" production server vs. new
implementations to go to a "next version" of the production server
(various branching issues here).
- Merging changes between different xwiki deployments (such as
translation lookup page changes in production where the development
page has been updated with new translation strings)
In discussing some of this with Ludovic, he was intrigued by the idea
of using a file system directory to hold non-data wiki pages
("application" pages) and asked me to write up a proposal describing
the idea.
The general idea would be to have a method (plugin?) where application
wiki pages could be maintained outside of the wiki database.
There would be a directory where wiki pages would be stored.
- This directory could be maintained with any version control tool
(eases issues with different branches where export/import has a number
of issues)
- xwiki would pull pages from this directory instead of the database
when a page exists there.
I think this could be done as a plugin that wraps the default plugin.
A number of issues would have to be solved, some very similar to
issues with other proposals such as the WebDAV Service:
- File naming conventions
- Current proposal (somewhat derived from WebDAV Service proposal) is:
wiki.txt (maybe something more like Space.Page.vm to make
editing multiple pages easier when you don't see the directory name
like in most editors)
attributes.xml (or could be split for some things title.txt,
parent.txt, possibly in a subdirectory attributes/)
lang_xx/ (for translated versions)
attachments/ (?)
objects/ (?)
- Priority of stores
- If there is a page on the file system and in the database, which
takes priority?
- One option here is to just have a configurable rule.
- Another option is to have a thread doing one-way or bi-directional
copying of the files if they are added/deleted/updated.
- Queries
- Right now the use of $xwiki.searchDocuments() (at least in our
usage) assumes that it is talking to a hibernate query backend, which
may be difficult to make work with a file store.
- Possibly the option of having pages copied to the DB when they
change on the filesystem resolves this as well.
Feedback is more than welcome,