Hi xwikiers,
Eduard hard the idea of dynamically rename the files names of the
packages we publish on
page and use the refactoring to move XE features to a new platform
flavor as a good opportunity for this change.
In more details the proposal is the following:
* name "xwiki-demo-9.5.zip" or "xwiki-9.5.zip" the standard
jetty/hsqldb package (the one which let you choose the flavor you want
to install)
* name "xwiki-9.5.war" the standard war package
* name "xwiki-classic-9.5.xip" the offline package containing XWiki
Classic flavor
WDYT ? Other ideas ?
+1 with a preference for "xwiki-demo-9.5.zip" over "xwiki-9.5.zip" to
make it more clear it's not a production oriented package.
Thomas Mortagne