Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
XWiki has evolved a lot in the past year and new client apps were created.
Our current Xml-Rpc API is aligned to the Confluence 1.0 API
specification and hasn't been really enriched in a long time.
Since we have some distinct features like 'polyglot wiki' I propose to
create a new "xwiki2" method set to handle XWiki 2.0 method calls.
The new handler will be added to the Apache Xml-Rpc servlet properties file.
Proposed new xml-rpc methods(mostly needed for XEclipse, XOffice and XOO):
- parseFromHtml(String html, String syntax) : String
- render(String source, String syntaxId) : String
- cleanHtml(String dirtyHtml) : String
- add class (
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3499 )
- getConfiguredSyntaxes
getEnabledSyntaxes sounds better to me
- getVirtualWikisNames
- getMacros, etc.
Proposed Xml-Rpc model extensions:
- Page
- syntaxId;
- defaultEditMode?
- editComment?
- hidden?
- ServerInfo/Wiki:
- isMultiWiki
- defaultSyntax
- encoding
Sergiu Dumitriu