1A. looks better imho.
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Jerome Velociter <jerome(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hello again,
Following my previous email, here is a first draft proposition about
the visual redesign of the suggest widget.
Currently the widget style is pretty off the colibri skin. A bit
better with toucan, but not really ideal either.
I propose we move to a simpler, lighter design, that make uses of
Color Themes. You can find a first proposal with two variants (that
you can test live) on the incubator :
Note that this mail concerns only the first part of the document for
now : suggest with items without description (items with description
are not supported yet, I'll propose them later on).
Let me know what you think, and if you agree with the overall
direction. Then we can discuss the tiny bits.
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