Hi devs,
Since we can now change the log levels at runtime I was trying to set
"org.hibernate.SQL" to "debug". It works well ;)
I reload the AllDocs page and was surprised to see that we have 5 requests to the DB:
2011-05-13 08:53:51,524 [
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/AllDocs] DEBUG o.h.SQL
- select top ? distinct xwikidocum0_.XWD_WEB as col_0_0_,
xwikidocum0_.XWD_NAME as col_1_0_, xwikidocum0_.XWD_DATE as col_2_0_ from xwikidoc
xwikidocum0_ where (xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN<>1 or xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN is null)
and 1=1 and xwikidocum0_.XWD_AUTHOR='XWiki.Admin' order by xwikidocum0_.XWD_DATE
2011-05-13 08:53:52,134
DEBUG o.h.SQL - select list3_.XWL_VALUE as col_0_0_ from
xwikiobjects baseobject0_, xwikilists dbstringli1_ inner join xwikiproperties
dbstringli1_1_ on dbstringli1_.XWL_ID=dbstringli1_1_.XWP_ID and
dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME=dbstringli1_1_.XWP_NAME, xwikilistitems list3_, xwikidoc
xwikidocum2_ where dbstringli1_.XWL_ID=list3_.XWL_ID and
dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME=list3_.XWL_NAME and
baseobject0_.XWO_CLASSNAME='XWiki.TagClass' and
baseobject0_.XWO_ID=dbstringli1_.XWL_ID and dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME='tags' and
xwikidocum2_.XWD_FULLNAME=baseobject0_.XWO_NAME and 1=1
2011-05-13 08:53:52,136
DEBUG o.h.SQL - select list3_.XWL_VALUE as col_0_0_ from
xwikiobjects baseobject0_, xwikilists dbstringli1_ inner join xwikiproperties
dbstringli1_1_ on dbstringli1_.XWL_ID=dbstringli1_1_.XWP_ID and
dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME=dbstringli1_1_.XWP_NAME, xwikilistitems list3_, xwikidoc
xwikidocum2_ where dbstringli1_.XWL_ID=list3_.XWL_ID and
dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME=list3_.XWL_NAME and
baseobject0_.XWO_CLASSNAME='XWiki.TagClass' and
baseobject0_.XWO_ID=dbstringli1_.XWL_ID and dbstringli1_.XWL_NAME='tags' and
xwikidocum2_.XWD_FULLNAME=baseobject0_.XWO_NAME and 1=1
2011-05-13 08:53:52,137
DEBUG o.h.SQL - select top ? distinct xwikidocum0_.XWD_WEB as
col_0_0_, xwikidocum0_.XWD_NAME as col_1_0_, xwikidocum0_.XWD_NAME as col_2_0_ from
xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ where (xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN<>1 or xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN
is null) and 1=1 order by xwikidocum0_.XWD_NAME asc
2011-05-13 08:53:52,138
DEBUG o.h.SQL - select count(distinct xwikidocum0_.XWD_FULLNAME) as
col_0_0_ from xwikidoc xwikidocum0_ where (xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN<>1 or
xwikidocum0_.XWD_HIDDEN is null) and 1=1
Is that the best we can do?
For example there are 2 requests that come one after another that are the same (the ones
starting with "select list3"). Do you know why this is so? Couldn't we do
only one such request?