On May 26, 2011, at 7:13 AM, Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
We have 17 unresolved issues which are labeled as
needed to be fixed for 3.1-RC1.
You could actually create a new jira filter by copying the one I had created for the 3.0
release and which combines all jira projects in the correct version for the 3.1 release.
Some of these issues are relatively new and
others are quite old and have had their fix-for version advanced at each release.
In my opinion setting a fix-for version is equivalent to making a promise to produce a
fix by a certain date.
I agree
To make a promise and fail to keep it is bad but
making a habit of periodically breaking promises and making new ones is far worse.
Since I have proposed a freeze on new features I would like to propose removing these fix
for versions.
+1 to remove non bug issues which have no people assigned
+1 to ping each person who has open issues assigned to himself/herself
+1 to explicitly list each individual remaining issue (ie non-assigned bugs) and ask
developers if they want to take them. Wait 2 days and remove if no answer.
After checking I see we are down to 4 and only one unassigned bug, great job guys, thanks
a lot.
The unassigned bug is:
XWIKI-6086 - Go to page doesn't work when typing "Admin" with a user not
having programming rights
so if anyone wants to volunteer to tackle that then go ahead and assign yourself.
I also notice we have a blocker so we will need to have it closed or re-evaluated before
we can release.
sdumitriu? tmortagne? ETA on this?
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