Just a heads up on what I've been working on so far:
* I've created a xwiki/core module. It generates the core xwiki jar. This is
working fine.
* I've created a custom maven2 repo on
http://laam.xpertnet.biz/~vmassol/repository/. Of course we need to work so
that all custom artifacts in there are removed and replaced from "official"
artifacts from the maven2 central repository. I've documented and explained
what needs to be done for each custom artifact we are using in core/pom.xml.
* If you open a shell in xwiki/ and type "mvn install" it should work fine.
It would be nice if someone could try it out and let me know if it works for
Next batch of work to be done:
* Move the custom repo on laam to a better place:
http://laam.xpertnet.biz/repository/ would be better
* Create a xwiki/web module to generate the xwiki war
* Create the m2 builds for the plugins in xwiki-plugins/
I hope some of you can help me implement this! Even if you don't know
anything about maven2, you can still help in reducing the number of custom
jars we have.
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