On 07/20/2011 03:50 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Paul,
On Jul 20, 2011, at 9:33 PM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
Not many answers down here.
Let me ask a simpler question: is ehcache used per default?
I seem to see a bit more about oscache... is this one rather used?
Are both used?
We're only using jbosscache. ehcache has never been used AFAIK, the other
implementation that we have but that we're no longer using is oscache.
That's not right. jbosscache is used in XWiki's cache module, but
ehcache is used internally by Hibernate. There are still some
optimizations possible with Hibernate's use of cache, but that's a
rather complex topic.
> thanks in advance
> Paul
> Le 1 mai 2011 à 22:06, Paul Libbrecht a écrit :
>> Hello XWiki-devs,
>> maybe this forum is better than curriki-dev.
>> In short: how can I boost the size of the cache of objects held by hibernate?
>> thanks in advance
>> paul
>>> as you know
curriki.org is somewhat of a fat server serving really many
>>> One symptom we are seeing on the production machine only, almost, is:
>>> xwiki.getPlugin("curriki").fetchUserGroups().
>>> that sometimes takes more than 1 minute and sometimes much less, all for the
same user.
>>> On the development machine it takes time with users with a lot of groups only
when the hibernate cache is flushed.
>>> My interpretation is that this method is fetching the group and probably a
lot more. My answer would be to go low-level.
>>> But another answer would be to ensure that the hibernate cache is big enough
so that all these stay in memory. Making this possible would also speed up a huge amount
of other things.
>>> Are we talking of the file ehcache.xml's attribute:
>>> maxElementsInMemory="10000"
>>> ?
>>> I sure could raise this by a factor 10 if true.
>>> thanks in advance
>>> paul
Sergiu Dumitriu