I thought about the issue a bit more and I changed my mind: I agree with
Asiri & Vincent on the fact that an user will expect most of the styles he
applied to be preserved on the resulting document.
There are 2 different issues at hand:
1) Same-looking documents across the wiki
2) Wikis syntax readability
Thus to select a number of filtering levels and options we need to answer
the following questions:
1) Do we want to force a standard layout for content throughout the wiki?
2) Do we want a human to be able to read the outputted wiki wyntax?
I agree with Asiri on the fact that we should not have more than 2 options
Here are my answers:
1) My webdesigner's spirit (as far as I have one) goes towards imposing a
similar layout for content. However, people are messy. They want to do
whateverthey want with their content. If they fail at doing so, they get
annoyed (and they don't care about what I think about it :-). If they get
annoyed, they stop using the software. Thus we should not filter out styles
by default.
2) My developer's spirit (ibidem) leans in favor of clean, readable syntax.
But that's because I like using the wiki syntax editor. We spent months
creating a WYSIWYG editor that will work so much better than the old one
that the majority of people will never have to bother looking at wiki syntax
again. This is good. Thus syntax readability doesn't matter much either.
I'm in favor of keeping 2 options though, since some people (well, in this
case at least Sergiu & me :-) will want to strip almost everything but
content when importing documents (and reach objectives 1) & 2) ). Plus, as
the original doc gets attached to the page, it can be imported again using
the other import mode if the first one used wasn't satisfying enough.
The default option should be to use as little filtering as possible.
As for the criteria in choosing what goes in both filtering modes:
* strict filtering: keep the syntax as readable as possible, thus remove
every %%
* standard import: well, I still think you could remove that weird "western"
property that gets into most documents ;-) Apart from that, the more the
better (Asiri, did you write a detailed list of properties to add / remove
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Asiri Rathnayake <asiri.rathnayake(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [VOTE] Remove moderate style filtering option from
office importer
To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
Links can have name, rel and target. Images require
alt. Tables can have
summary. These are not really presentational attributes.
Some of these attributes are allowed in 'strict' mode (name, alt, colspan,
rowspan) - These are the attributes we consider non-presentational. And some
of them doesn't make sense when we consider office documents (ex target)
So I think 'strict' style filter makes lot of sense. But it's possible that
there are other attributes that should be allowed in 'strict' filtering
- Asiri
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Product Manager - XWiki
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