On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer(a)gmail.com>
I now have an improved version
The main advantage of this version is that it should function "standalone"
without installing the Simile widgets locally. Unlike "Presidents" which
uses a local, modified copy of the Exhibit trunk, "Presidents2" loads from
api.simile-widgets.org .
*Attached, *the 35K Xar (Zip/Jar format) containing the standalone demo,
comprising three documents: Exhibit.Presidents2 and data-files
Exhibit.PresidentsSchemaJSON and Exhibit.PresidentsJSON. You should be able
to import these into your xwiki installation and get a working demo of
Exhibit. (note that since the javascript in Exhibit.Presidents2's object
XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[2] loads external javascript, the server and the
clients accessing must be connected to the network for this to work).
*Resolved*, one issue:
One last remaining hack is that I put the following in
the headers
<link rel="exhibit/data"
<link rel="exhibit/data" type="application/json"
via the "Exhibit" space's "HTTP Meta Information"
administration setting
This is replaced with some JavaScript residing in
(Next version, Presidents3, will replace loading these two extra javascript
files and instead put the javascript data directly into
XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0], replacing insertExhibitDataLink() calls.)
*Unresolved*, the IE portability issue, an Exhibit bug? Help??
In IE, after the simile busy-spinner has popped up indicating a successful
load of Exhibit, the following errors happen, causing
three successive
dialog boxes:
(1) "Caught exception: ColorCoder: Error processing configuration of coder
Details: 'firstChild.nodeValue' is null or not an object
(2) Caught exception: undefined
Details: 'firstChild.nodeValue' is null or not an object
(3) IE error: Line 1831, char 52, Error: object expected
Note that this issue is independent of "trunk" versus "stable"
versions of
http://nielsmayer.com/xwiki/bin/view/Exhibit/Presidents uses a local copy of
http://nielsmayer.com/xwiki/bin/view/Exhibit/Presidents2 uses
Both have the same problem with a null dereference from "
node.firstChild.nodeValue.trim()", which occurs in
api/scripts/ui/coders/color-coder.js functionExhibit.ColorCoder.createFromDOM():
try {
var node = configElmt.firstChild;
while (node != null) {
if (node.nodeType == 1) {
Exhibit.getAttribute(node, "case"),
Exhibit.getAttribute(node, "color"));
node = node.nextSibling;
} catch (e) {
SimileAjax.Debug.exception(e, "ColorCoder: Error processing
configuration of coder");