Hi devs,
Marius and myself have been spending the week trying to improve our CI and especially
making sure that mails we receive are real problems.
Here's what we've achieved:
* Configured the jenkins email to have more interesting content and make sure all jobs
have the same notification configuration. Current situation:
- an email is sent on every Failure
- no email is sent on build fixed
- only the list is notified ATM
* Fixed several flickers
* XINFRA-71: Automate creation of Jenkins jobs when we create a new branch. This is a by
product which will be useful when we perform releases
* XINFRA-74: Update Agents to use FF 17 + updated to Selenium 2.28
* XINFRA-72: Don't send CI emails when the problem is a CI issue. We've covered
the following messages in the log (when these message appear no email is sent and the
build is marked with a warning icon):
- JVM crash: ".*A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime
- VNC crash: ".*Error: cannot open display: :1.0.*"
- VNC crash: ".*java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
- Git issue: ".hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not fetch from any
- Browser crash: ".*Error communicating with the remote browser. It may have
- Machine slowness: ".*Failed to start XWiki in .* seconds.*"
While we're close to a stable build it's still not fully achieved since we sill
have flickers in ui-tests.
What it means is that from now one we need to pay attention to any
Outstanding tasks:
* XINFRA-75: Start VNC by the job
* XINFRA-76: Fix slow XWiki startup on CI
* XINFRA-70: Put Jenkins configuration under SCM
* XWIKI-8631: Stop XWiki process in functional tests if XWiki is already started when the
test starts
* XINFRA-78: Set up Timeout Jenkins plugin to stop stuck jobs
* XINFRA-79: Link to the screenshot directory in functional test job emails when there are
* There are still some test failures in test-ui:
Next steps:
* Continue working on the listed issues above.
If you have some other ideas not listed here please mention them.