On 05/18/2017 09:56 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Clément Aubin
<clement.aubin(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Then, why does sending events through XObjects does not make sense to you ?
Because xobjects are stored while events are temporary objects by
definition. You then have a event/activity stream listener which use
the database to cache events to remind users about them but it's
really just caching, not infinite storage like xobjetc are.
Ok, so I think that I have to explain myself in more details here.
The goal is *not* to store an event as an XObject. I use an XObject to
define a custom event type (that you can compare in some ways to a
RecordableEventDescriptor), which is then translated into a Java object
that has a similar behavior to a RecordableEventDescriptor apart from
the fact that it’s not a Component.
* keeping them as XObject forever is totally useless
and does not
scale for very frequent events
Actually, it does scale because the XObjects are translated into objects
at application startup or when they are created / updated. So no
database interaction is needed in order to trigger a XObject-based
notification when an event is received.
* it duplicates what is already stored in the event
stream table
As far as I know, the event stream table currently contains both a trace
of the events that have been saved and a trace of the notifications that
have been triggered by those events. The solution we’re talking about
will not change this comportment.
* many kind of events are generated by some code and
calling something
like $services.notification.sendEvent('mytype', $data) make much more
sense than having to create some xobject when you want to send an
event in your script
Actually, I do agree that adding the API call you just described in
templates would be great, but this call should rely on an event type
already defined either in Java classes or using a way to create event
types directly in the platform, which is exactly the solution that we’re
talking about.
Clément Aubin
Web Developer Intern @XWiki SAS
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