Abstaining due to lack of knowledge on the topic.
Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi again Marius,
On Jan 25, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
Hi Vincent,
Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Marius,
On Jan 25, 2010, at 8:09 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
Hi devs,
I'd like to upgrade platform/web to GWT 2.0 before the 2.2M2 release.
Even if the WYSIWYG users won't notice any difference (maybe a small
decrease in loading time and a small increase in responsiveness dues to
compiler optimizations) this upgrade will help ease the development. You
can find the detailed release notes at
http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/ReleaseNotes.html . I'm
most interested in:
* ability to run the unit tests on the build server (a 32-bit JVM isn't
needed anymore, finally, since the tests are run by default with HtmlUnit)
* ability to run and debug the Java code directly in the browser (new
development mode using a FF plugin)
* ability to split the code and load it on demand
In order to upgrade I need
in our maven repo:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=gwt-incubator-20091216-r1739.jar
-DgroupId=com.google.gwt -DartifactId=gwt-incubator
-Dversion=20091216-r1739 -Dpackaging=jar
Who can help me with that?
All unit and integration tests pass locally so here's my +1.
My take is that
it's just too dangerous to do now, especially since we should already have released XE
2.2M2 and we're late. I don't think there's any value in taking unnecessary
risks at this point.
I don't understand why you think this upgrade is so
Any upgrade done at the last moment is dangerous. And even more for a major release
upgrade. If it were about upgrading from Groovy 1.7 to Groovy 2.0 I'd say the same.
tests cover a significant number of use cases and if GWT 2.0 leads to a
regression we can still fix it in RC1. We can even revert the upgrade if
it's really bad. I don't have bad experiences with GWT upgrades. The
last one (to GWT 1.7) produced only one regression on the menu bar,
which was caught by the selenium tests. GWT 2.0 is supposed to be better
and fixes some bugs over GWT 1.7 which means that the widgets used by
the editor are better.
I'm definitely not against upgrading. For me it's just a timing issue.
Since everyone else seems to think it's a good idea I'm moving my vote from -1 to
-0. Please just make sure that the final release is not delayed because of this (in case
something goes wrong).
> Personally I'd much rather wait for XE 2.3M1 (i.e a few days since we'll
create a branch at the end of this week - I also need that branch to continue my work on
references which I have also stopped last Thursday in order to not cause more unnecessary
> So I'd be -1 right now since I don't see a compelling reason to do that now.
If everyone else agrees, I'll reconsider my judgement and move that to a -0.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> PS: If you really want to start committing it now, we can easily do it on a branch
and merge in a few days. The merge would probably not be hard.
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